Wednesday, June 3, 2015


It has been over a month since I last posted, and for this I apologize. Since my last entry Tony and I have traveled to Tonga via Fiji Airways. We spent 9 hours in Fiji waiting on our flight to Nuku'alofa, and then about a week before the flight to Vava'u and finally arriving at Mizpah Mission High School on the edge of Neiafu, Vava'u, Tonga. We have settled in pretty well, although there are many conveniences of home that we still have not convinced ourselves that we can live without. Sooner or later this realization will kick in though, as we have been living without them for over a month now.

On the topic of luxuries, let me explain my new mind-set. There are only a few things you absolutely NEED to survive. You must eat or you will survive, and you must drink or die of dehydration. You need shelter from the most extreme elements, and in today's society you must wear clothing. It is also very difficult to survive with your sanity without companionship. Although many would argue whether it is necessary or not, I also feel that it is crucial to have a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Sure, He may allow you to survive life without knowing Him, but it is only He who can provide all of the other necessities in life. Anything beyond that is for self indulgence. We don't need acres of land and a big house. We don't need a car, or even a second car or RV. We don't need hot water, and we don't need heating and air conditioning. We don't need a refrigerator or an elaborate kitchen. Although it makes bathing more enjoyable, we don't really NEED hot water. We don't need money or status. In fact, I will go as far as to say that we don't need any of the things I mentioned above that we do need, other than knowing Christ. At least not in abundance or on hand. After all, think about it, Moses and the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the wilderness before reaching the Promised Land. While I'm sure they had some possessions strapped on the backs of livestock, they had none of today's necessities (luxuries). As we know from reading the book of Exodus 16 & 17 of the Holy Bible, the Lord provided food daily, Manna in the morning and quail in the evening. He also supplied water, FROM A ROCK! Now if they could survive 40 years with not much more than food, water, and sometimes even a questionable relationship with the Lord, surely we could as well, if only we had the same faith as Moses. Many of the people of Tonga have very little in the form of luxuries. On the Mizpah campus for example there are 6 families, and only 1 working car. All windows are shutters, which means no climate control at all. Considering that Vava'u is at Latitude 18°41'60 S and my home in Texas is at about 32°45'53 N, I would have expected the "need" of air conditioning to be much greater here. However, only the wealthy have such a luxury. Other things near impossible to find on this island are compressed air (other than at the tire shop), bread knives, auto parts, computer parts, fishing poles (go figure), a REAL mattress, and... the list could go on a while. If you can see the pattern, people live on this island quite well without most items we feel are household necessities. Although they have very little to nothing in their name, in my experience most of the Tongans I have met are quite friendly (at least on the outside). Most do not complain about what they don't have. Most of the complaints I have heard are from the palangis, or white people. This is sad because most live in much better houses, and brought more luxuries with them than the local Tongans have. In fact I have to be careful what I say because if my neighbors think I like something they have, they give it to me and will not accept my declination. One day our neighbors brought home a cake for their family and their little children seemed quite excited. My son saw the cake and commented, "Yumm... cake. I bet that's yummy." He was of course talking to the children, and was not asking for any for himself. However, before we knew it they were bringing a plate with 1/4 of the cake on it, and insisted that we accept it. Now I know for a fact that I as a volunteer have more money available to me than this family does. I guess they feel obligated to give to us when we appear to be in need since we are here without any form of monetary compensation. It becomes more evident each day that these people, at least those I am associated with, have a similar faith to that which Moses had. There is no need to accumulate wealth. God will provide what you need, when you need it.

Although I have not suffered much without the cool air of my home in Texas, I have a different battle to fight. Sometimes we go days without ceasing to sweat. I have not seen temperature above the mid 80's, which is typical here. However, the humidity is worse than any place I have ever been. Korea and the Philippines cannot compare. We have given up and brought our laundry in from the line because they simply will not dry more. The clothes remain damp even when in the breeze because along with the wind comes the moisture. When there is a good breeze though, it is easy to ignore the humidity. The students and other teachers seem to not be effected by the humidity, and I rarely see them sweating unless they are working or exercising very hard. I could be right beside them though, and would have sweat dripping from my face and arms. My skin will be cool, but very wet. At home, cold and clammy would be signs of illness. Here, it is just the white man's body not adjusting to the climate. I do feel that I have acclimatized some though. I also feel fortunate, but also sorry for my family back home. Although it rains sometimes daily, we don't have the same problems as Texas. There is plenty of room in the sea for the surplus water. I rarely see any standing water, other than a few puddles in the school's circle drive after the rain. From watching the news and hearing from my wife, it seems just about the entire state of Texas has been in flood conditions for the past month. This is not typical for Texas, as most summers are plagued with drought. The rain seems to have stopped for now, and I'm sure everyone is grateful.

Although our diet is not as simple as that of the Israelites, we certainly have not eaten like at home. Some things are abundantly available, and some are not. If we ever want cassava (a root plant similar to potatoes), all we have to do is go behind the house and dig it up. There are also about 20 banana trees back there, and a few coconut trees as well. Behind some of the other staff houses there are also taro (another root plant), papaya, passion fruit, and I'm sure a few others I am not aware of. There are also very large mango trees everywhere, but sadly they are not in season. Vava'u is also known for their high quality vanilla, which is also being grown on campus. While milk is hard to find, if you're willing to pay the price there is cheese and butter in most shops. A plain chocolate bar is super rare and chocolate chips non-existent, but a chocolate bar stuffed with peanuts is common. Ramen noodles, oatmeal, rice, bananas, coconuts, eggs and potatoes make up most of our diet. Occasionally we splurge and buy some highly overpriced peanut butter, or spaghetti sauce, or even cookies, but we are on a tight budget so luxuries like this are seldom.

One thing I find odd here is that although there are probably about 3 dogs per family, and chickens wander freely with their chicks, I have never seen a dog chase them. In addition to dogs and chickens, we see tons of pigs and little piglets dashing across the streets. They apparently have the right of way because I've never seen one struck by a car. Many dogs are limping as a result of their encounters on the road, but never have I seen an injured pig. We also have a cow problem. Since the grass is obviously greener on the other side, we are occasionally visited by cows at night. They are not afraid to announce their presence, as they cry out to their friends that they have found fresh water. This is because the lot next door on campus has a few bricks remaining from what used to be a house. This house has a water leak which apparently the city is in no rush to repair. This water creates a small puddle that is too tempting for them to ignore. I have been woken once or twice by the sloshing sound of heavy cow hooves sinking into the mud. Last night in fact, someone who had visited a staff member was careless enough to leave the gate open. Just as we were preparing to turn in for the night, we heard the all to familiar "moo" outside the window. Tony and I joined the other staff in chasing half a dozen or more cows throughout campus and finally out the gate. Although the dogs tried to help, they often scared the cows in the wrong direction. The bamboo spear I had made in an attempt at primitive fishing came in handy in giving the cows a nudge now and then.

To say the least, this trip has been quite a humbling experience. It's amazing what you can survive with....or without. It's also interesting how dependent we become on worldly things that humans survived without for thousands of years. But I came to serve, not to be served. I am not here for self gratification. I am here for Mizpah Mission High School and it's students. I am here to help establish the Vava'u Pathfinder Club, which is in it's 3rd week. I am here because I asked the Lord to use me, and this is where He told me to go. I pray each day for His guidance in my work and my life. I ask him to use me in whatever manner He will, to draw these young kids to Him. Although at times I fail, I strive to give God all the glory, all the credit for everything I have and do. I must decrease, so He can increase. TO GOD BE THE GLORY, FOR GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!

"Big Daddy Weave - Overwhelmed"

I see the work of Your Hands
Galaxies spin in a Heavenly dance oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming

I hear the sound of Your Voice
All at once it’s a gentle and thundering noise oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming

I delight myself in You
Captivated by Your beauty
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

I know the power of Your Cross
Forgiven and free forever You’ll be my God
All that You’ve done is so overwhelming

I delight myself in You
In the Glory of Your Presence
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

You are Beautiful, You are Beautiful
Oh God, there is no one more Beautiful
You are Beautiful, God you are the most Beautiful

You are Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Oh God, there is no one more Wonderful
You are Wonderful, God You are the most Wonderful

You are Glorious, You are Glorious
Oh God, there is no one more Glorious
You are Glorious, God you are the most Glorious